The World Water Day | Pusdatarawa

World Water Day is about what you will do and beyond to promote  sustainable practices in the realm of water and energy. The key messages provided below are to be used as a basis to help you frame and design your own activities and messages. You can adapt the messages to your local conditions or to your specific audience to make them more targeted and efficient.

1. Water requires energy and energy requires water

Water is required to produce nearly all forms of energy. Energy is needed at all stages of water extraction, treatment and distribution.

2. Supplies are limited and demand is increasing

Demand for freshwater and energy will continue to increase significantly over the coming decades. This increase will present big challenges and strain resources in nearly all regions, especially in developing and emerging economies.

3. Saving energy is saving water. Saving water is saving energy

Choices concerning the supply, distribution, price, and use of water and energy impact one another.

4. The “bottom billion” urgently needs access to both water and sanitation services, and electricity

Worldwide, 1.3 billion people cannot access electricity, 768 million people lack access to improved water sources and 2.5 billion people have no improved sanitation. Water and energy have crucial impacts on poverty alleviation.

5. Improving water and energy efficiency is imperative as are coordinated, coherent and concerted policies

Better understanding between the two sectors of the connections and effects on each other will improve coordination in energy and water planning, leading to reducing inefficiencies. Policy-makers, planners and practitioners can take steps to overcome the barriers that exist between their respective domains. Innovative and pragmatic national policies can lead to more efficient and cost effective provision of water and energy services.(Unwater)

As we know that human beings can survive without food for a week, but humans can only survive without water for 2 days. It shows how vital water for us all.

The source of life is in limited supply and getting more and more polluted by human activity itself, but there are still many people who will trouble the water.

With increasing water demand due to population growth and industrial development and agricultural activities have provided heavy pressure on water sources that exist. This pressure was more severe because of the destruction of the environment, especially in the rain catchment area (catchment area).

To synergize efforts in dealing these problems, needs joint efforts of the actors (stakeholders) in the field of irrigation to equate the thinking, policies, attitudes and actions and commitment in achieving enough water availability in addition to an adequate environment for the present generation and the will come.

The above in accordance with the theme of World Water Day this year is the International Years of Water Corporation. Therefore let us inspire both World Water Day this year is a good time to reflect, together with efforts to secure a wise and prudent to utilize and conserve the water resources that we have.

Related Links : Pusdatarawa 

Pusdatarawa is a provider of information, science and technology for the development and management of water resources and swamps.Developing the data and information through the Data and Information Center and the Coastal Wetlands (Wetlands and Coastal Pusatdatainfo) has been carried out and is expected in line with the implementation of national development, particularly in entering the era of globalization and the implementation of regional autonomy. 

This information system development activities have a mission to generate, develop, implement and disseminate the science, technology and information related to wetlands and coastal areas and irrigation in general, especially in the aspects of technical, social and economic.

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View Mari belajar rawa bersama kami.ppt and other presentations by ujukngetop.

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