Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that can cause AIDS. This virus attacks the immune system and attack humans (immunity) of the body, so the body becomes weak in the fight against infection. Without treatment, a person with HIV can survive for 9-11 years after infection, depending on its type. The presence of virus in the body will cause a deficiency (lack of) immune system. Distribution of the HIV virus can be through channeling Cement (reproduction), blood, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. HIV works by killing cells that are needed by the human importance, one of which is the helper T cells, macrophages, dendritic cells.
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a viral agent known as a retrovirus that is transmitted by blood and have a strong affinity towards T lymphocytes
T cells and macrophages and dendritic cells / Langerhans (immune cells) are cells infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and concentrated in lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infects cells through binding to the protein of peripheral CD 4, with the corresponding parts of the virus group antigen 120 At T4-infected cells and participate in the immune response, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infects cells by increasing reproductive and the number of T4 cell death also influenced killer cell immune response of the host, in an effort to eliminate the virus and infected cells.
The HIV virus with an enzyme, reverse transcriptase, which will perform reprogramming the genetic material of the infected T4 cells to create double-stranded DNA. This DNA will be incorporated into the T4 cell nucleus as a provirus and then a permanent infection. The enzyme that makes T4 helper cells can not recognize the virus as antigen. So the presence of the HIV virus in the body is not destroyed by T4 helper cells. In contrast, the HIV virus that destroys T4 helper cells. The function of T4 helper cells is to recognize foreign antigens, activate antibody-producing B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes stimulated sitotoksit, produce lymphokines, and defend the body against parasitic infections. If the T4 helper cell function is compromised, the microorganisms that normally does not cause disease will have the opportunity to invade and cause serious illness.
With the decline in the number of T4 cells, the cellular immune system progressively weaker. Followed by reduced function of B cells and macrophages and helper T cell function decline. A person infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) may still not show any symptoms (asymptomatic) for many years. During this time, the number of T4 cells can be reduced from about 1000 perml blood cells before infection reaches about 200-300 per ml of blood, 2-3 years after infeksi.Sewaktu T4 cells reach this level, the symptoms of infection (herpes zoster and opportunistic fungi ) appears, Total T4 and then decreased due to the emergence of a new disease will cause the virus to proliferate. Finally, the case of severe infections. A diagnosed with AIDS when the T4 cell count falls below 200 cells per ml of blood, or in case of opportunistic infections, cancer or AIDS dementia.
AIDS patients typically have a history of symptoms and signs of disease. In human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) primary acute duration 1-2 weeks the patient will feel pain like the flu. And when immunosuppression symptomatic phase (3 years) of patients will experience fever, nighttime sweats, weight loss, diarrhea, neuropathy, fatigue, skin rashes limpanodenopathy, increase cognitive, and oral lesions. And when phase human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) to AIDS (bevariasi 1-5 years of the first determination of AIDS) there will be symptoms of opportunistic infections, the most common is Pneumocystic carinii (PCC), interstitial pneumonia caused by a protozoan, other infections including menibgitis, candidiasis, cytomegalovirus, mikrobakterial, atypical
After doing research for more than two decades, the AIDS epidemic is still strong. Has developed a drug to help slow the progression of the disease, but as in other viral diseases, there is no cure for it. However, there is hope. One of the most exciting areas of research and active with this VCO is HIV-infected treatment, which, like many other organisms, have membrane lipids are susceptible to the VCO. Researchers found that the medium chain fatty acids (MCFA middle-chain fatty acids), particularly lauric and capric acid, effective to kill HIV in laboratory cultures. This opens the door for possible treatment of HIV / AIDS is much safer than drugs now in use.
One problem that has antiviral drugs used against HIV is to have undesirable side effects, including muscle wasting, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, bone marrow suppression, ulcers, bleeding, skin rash, anemia, fatigue, and changes in mental function . Another problem is the AIDS virus can become resistant to drugs, often become more vulnerable to it. Combined certain viral resistance different from patient to patient. To fight these resistant strains supervirus, doctors use the approach hit-or-miss by mixing a cocktail of patented AIDS drugs. The more drugs used, the greater the risk of unwanted side effects. Unlike standard treatment used to treat HIV, which attacks the virus's genetic material, medium chain fatty acids only destroy the virus. Almost like other fatty acids that make up the viral lipid membrane, we VCO is absorbed by the virus; it weakens the membrane to be torn, thus killing the virus. Sekah unlikely for the virus to develop resistance to this mechanism, so our VCO can attack and kill all strains of HIV, even supervirus that are genetically resistant to the drug.
Over the years, many people infected with HIV who reported a decrease in viral load (amount of virus in the blood) as well as general health improvements after MCFA as contained within our VCO. Most reported a decrease in viral load to undetectable levels after type of MCFA for a few weeks.
The first clinical study on the effectiveness of MCFA to treat HIV patients reported by Cornrado Dayrit, MD, professor emeritus of pharmacology at the University of the Phillipines
Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines. In this penetitian, HTV 14 patients, aged 22-38 years, were divided into three groups. None of the patients received other anti-HIV medications during the study. Treatments were tested on them is compared monolaurin (monoglyceride of lauric acid contained in our VCO) of pure coconut oil. One group (four patients) were given 22 g of monolaurin every day. The second group (five patients) were 7, 2 g of monolaurin. The third group (five patients) may be 31/2 tbsp our VCO. Oil is supplied to the third group contains lauric acid in approximately equal amounts as contained in the monolaurin given to the first group. After treatment for three months, the viral load has decreased in seven patients. After six months, at the end of the study, 9 of 14 patients experienced a decrease in viral load (two in group one, four in group two, and three in group three). Eleven patients gain weight and look better.
This study confirmed a report that said that the MCFA random from pure coconut oil and has the effect of HIV-and provide solid clinical evidence that monolaurin and coconut oil is effective in fighting HIV research is currently being conducted to further investigate the use of monolaurin and our VCO to treat HIV / AIDS.
HIV patients often suffer from malnutrition and recurrent infections. Resistance to infectious diseases declined with the development of the disease. Mikroorgamsme opportunistic as cytomegalovirus, candida, cryptosporidium, and others soon took over. Over time, the body becomes crushed by the disease so that survival was no longer possible. Fatty acids in our VCO not only offers the possibility of lowering the load of HIV but also kill other harmful organisms. Coupled with the fact that lauric acid and other MCFA improve digestion and energy production, the result is better health overall.
One of the most amazing benefits of our VCO is its ability to kill viruses that cause disease. Antibiotics are useless against viruses, and antiviral drugs have limited effectiveness level. Drugs used to treat viral infections are often accompanied by undesirable side effects. Our VCO is a natural product that is not harmful as a way to help prevent and even cure viral infections.
When the doctor gave up, do not despair, fight with our VCO which has been proven to cure many diseases. Our VCO is made from a type of palm fruit fresh and old selections in the tree, so that every drop of the VCO has been proven to be effective in curing chronic diseases.
VCO VCO is not usual, has passed the test of a variety of medical and laboratory tests, smell and taste fresh and savory, made from coconuts choice of natural beach is not the result of hybrid processed 100% without the process of decay / fermentation without bacterial / enzymatic, without heating, no chemicals, no bleaching, which has been proven to cure many degenerative diseases, cancer and viruses. DLL. such as smoothing the skin, remove spots of pigmentation on the face and neck, and hands. Also for anyone who diligently drank guaranteed ageless.
Potential usefulness of the VCO to treat and prevent various types of infections really surprising, ranging from colds to life-threatening conditions such as AIDS. Treating people infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, by giving them food containing MCFA recently showed promising evidence, and research is being done in this field.
Consuming VCO may be a simple solution for many diseases that we face today. The laboratory tests showed that the MCFA found in coconut oil are processed in particular of the type of forest coconut effective choice to destroy the viruses that cause influenza, measles, herpes, mononucleosis, heparitis C, and AIDS; bacteria that can cause ulcers, infekst throat, pneumonia, sinusitis, earache, rheumatism denam, cavities, food poisoning, kemh tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea, and toxic shock syndrome; fungi and yeasts that cause ringworm, candida, and thrush; and parasites that can cause intestinal infections such as glardiasis.
The amazing thing about the use of VCO to treat or prevent this condition is that despite the deadly microorganisms that cause disease, coconut oil is not harmful to humans. VCO is very effective against germs 3x stronger than that contained in the breast milk to protect her child. Mother's milk and milk from other mammals contain little MCFA. This is why the butter, which is a concentrated milk fat, also contains MCFA. Milk with sedangnya chain fatty acids protect the newborn from harmful germs at the most vulnerable time of life while their immune systems are still developing. This is one reason why coconut oil or MCFA added to infant formulas. Mothers who consume coconut oil will have more MCFA in milk to help protect and provide nutrition for the baby. if it is safe for newborns, MCFA certainly good enough for us. Natural make MCFA to provide nutrients and protect us from infectious diseases.
Efficacious help cure a variety of diseases including: diabetes, heart disease, physical weakness, stroke, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, ulcers, kidney failure, hepatitis, prostate, isolate and paralyze the various virulent virus, helping the process of neutralizing cholesterol safely and intensively, also prevent various diseases caused by viruses.
Increase stamina, rich with Vitamin DHA Omega 3 + 6, nutrition and other natural ingredients that are needed to help rejuvenate the tissues of the body and beautify the skin.
Medical researchers developed a synthetic drug which is awesome for fighting infection, but it is accompanied by undesirable side effects. Most highly toxic. VCO is a natural antimicrobial weapon, and like food that has passed the test of time, the VCO is very safe. if you consume regularly Cap Shen Oil possibility you are infected with the disease is greatly reduced
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