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Gede Wibawa |
Research results attracted the attention of industrial estates and investors. Research, such as PT. RPN, proved capable of producing products that could potentially make a profit from the research process that had high costs. PT Nusantara Plantation Research (RPN) disseminate the results of research activities to boost the productivity of various commodities, such as cocoa, coffee, rubber, oil palm, sugar cane, and tea, as well as other crops. In addition to improving the welfare of society, the research results also support the commercialization of research and development activities next.
"Commercialization of research results in which we apply the transfer of intellectual property rights of plant variety protection (PVP) of sugarcane to the government. Also release of new varieties of cocoa and coffee, "said Director of Research and Development Authority PT RPN Gede.
PT. RPN release PSJK 922 varieties of sugarcane sugarcane varieties in 2012 and 923 in 2013 PSDK. These new type of sugar produces over 10 tonnes per hectare per year, outpacing the productivity of sugarcane which is now manufactured under 8 tonnes per hectare per year. The amount of offers for the transfer of intellectual property rights PVP cane was worth 10 billion Rupiah to the government. Furthermore, the government has the right to produce and distribute new varieties of sugarcane seeds in bulk.
Besides sugarcane, there are coffee plants. "Their results are clones of robusta coffee BP 936 will be released in 2014. Kind of coffee has strong roots and rootstocks resistant nematodes," said Gede. PT RPN will also release a new cocoa varieties resistant to pests VSD (vascular streak dieback) that attack leaf. The research results of grafting rubber with juvenile and roots downward offered to increase the growth of rubber seeds.
Kelapa kopyor
The research results of other farm commodities, such as oil kopyor, also has a great chance of increasing the income of the people. Coconut Research kopyor under Indonesian Biotechnology Research Institute for Estate Crops (BPBPI) performed since a dozen years ago.
Director BPBPI Priyono said kopyor coconut breeding technology has been awarded a patent from 18 years ago. However, awareness of emerging mass produce one last year by holding an ice cream manufacturers and investors.
They planted 400 palm trees in Cikumpay kopyor, Purwakarta. Then, again planted 800 palm trees in Ciomas kopyor, Bogor. "This year was expanded again with 5,000 palm trees and Cibodas kopyor in Ciomas," said Priyono.
Interest in the product oil industry kopyor this time was very high. Manufacturer of ice cream nationwide network asked kopyor coconut meat supply 2 tons per month, but it is still difficult to fulfill.
"In December 2013, we were only able to send 100 pounds of prime kopyor coconut meat. Far from the industrial demand, "he said.
Kelapa kopyor BPBPI there are two types. Type kopyor with external fertilization and fertilization own kind (early maturing). Warranty kopyor flesh of both types was almost one hundred percent.
BPBPI using tissue culture method for the kopyor coconut breeding techniques. However, palm seed breeding kopyor is still slow because of the coconut can only produce one individual seeds.
PT RPN Research Bureau Chief Sumaryono said kopyor palm seeds that are circulating in the community currently only has a 25 percent chance of success. Recent research allows kopyor palm seeds produce up to 99 percent fruit coconut meat really kopyor.
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