Tea Research Centre and Kina (PPTK Gambung) Gardening Research work unit PT Nusantara (PT RPN), completing 14 million cutting (cuttings) tea seeds for this year. This was done to support the national tea Revitalization Ministry of Agriculture, which allocate Rp 50 billion budget for the revitalization program.
President PPTK Karyudi say, so far PPTK already contracted 9.8 million sale of tea cuttings seeds for farmers groups combined (gapoktan). Price per cuttings priced Rp 225.
Karyudi add, seedlings prepared PPTK already recognized by international bodies and are able to produce about 3 tons, 4 tons per hectares (ha) per year. "What we recommend is Gambung 7 and 11 because of high production potential," he said recently.
PPTK develop more appropriate for the type of tea assamica with good agro-climate in Indonesia and more resistant to dry weather. "The rate of caffeine and polifenolnya higher than sinensis varieties widely grown in China or Japan," said Karyudi.
Just information, PPTK have menggaet certificate of Antioxidant Society that tea seeds from PPTK capable of producing tea polyphenol content of 25%. Meanwhile, for some seeds that produce white tea (white tea), polifenolnya content reaches 30%.
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Dr. Ir. Karyudi |
Generally, says Karyudi, Indonesian tea plants are old and vulnerable plague disease when it rains and drought. "When there is no danger of rain or fog blister diseases (fungal disease on the leaves) to clone the old. Production plummeted so. Then the best strategy should replace clone level," he said.
One way to connect the tea plant cuttings agro climate more conducive to increased productivity. Notes only, the average national tea production around one ton per ha per year. Land productivity because tea farmers only 700 kg per ha per year. Meanwhile, tea prices are declining due to the profusion of world production. "Upstream of low profits because of low production and the price is not good," said Karyudi.
PPTK tea seedlings develop research in the area of 600 ha Gambung (Bandung), Sarongge, and SIMALUNGUN. Some 500,000 ha of nursery produce cuttings. With penyetekan twice a year PPTK can produce one million cuttings per ha.
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