BILL GATES. He runs his business, Microsoft Inc. to develop a social system. He let the software that has hijacked so that more people use it. Afterward, he did uppgrade easily for the next operating system. If MS Windows 7 is pirated, soon he will be launching a series to 8.
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Wisnu Gardjito |
Below the interview with SWA Magazine with him......
How you start your business?
At the beginning I started with creating an SME (small medium enterprise), UD. Sumber Rejeki (trading company). In the beginning it used to make coconut brown sugar soy sauce, with brand Kecap cap Ibu. Subsequently I created the Improvement Institute, a trouble shooting management company. A company with function to solve the problem, to do research, consultancy, human resource development and to design agroindustrial export cluster. UD. Sumber Rejeki then is improved to be CV Sumber Rejeki in year 2014. Since year 2007 the company has been developing the coconut to more than 250 item products and not just ketchup (soy sauce) anymore. Since then Sumber Rejeki trading company becomes an Agro Specialist and Agri Trading. Together CV Sumber Rejeki and the Improvement Institute are active in developing upstream to downstream industry, from production to marketing. They are supported by many partners all around the country to develop what we call it as AEC Corporation (Agroindutrial Export Cluster Corporation) a people's company. So we have finally made many SME business units in groups. These SMEs (UKM) are home industrial based. This forms an Indonesian incorporated.
To empower the young generation to be more competitive and has competency in the agroindustrial sectors, I developed green school. The green school is school to attach with life skill program in processing various agricultural productcs, mainly coconut. SMK students with their teacher are trained to be agroindustrialists.
How many items were produced?
We've been able to make 250 items. If from coconut, which is in my head already 1600 items. Starting from the energy, food, beverages, cosmetics, health, etc.. This coconut, Indonesia 3.8 million hectares, the largest in the world. No. 2 Philippines, 3.1 ha. India Continues to 1.1 million ha. Unfortunately, Indonesia is not growing. Because coconut is considered a commodity that has no value. In fact, of the 3.8 million hectares that could generate Rp 4,000 trillion a year. If this non-capitalistic developed, but the collective effort where people capitalized, sought access to the technology, the market, it's the second time this year to finance Indonesia, if necessary, even to buy. Due to the state budget of Rp 1,300 trillion, while coconut Rp 4,000 trillion. Brown, was around Rp 2,000 trillion. Continues coffee, rubber, cashew, until there are 25 leading commodity Indonesia. It will generate approximately USD 25 thousand trillion a year. So why do we make theunnecessary business. It is only once the existing one.
How can become huge potential?
So Rp 25 thousand trillion was like what his prosperity of our nation. Well this is becoming my sadness so I came out of the United Nations. At that time I as a national manager in UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization).
Finally, I founded this business in 2007 was really hard. Slowly until the end of the 3rd month of my turnover of USD 100 million a month. If my wife and two of them, Rp 100 million a month, if it can be se-Indonesia like what? Scholars like what IPB, Gajah Mada, UB, Padjadjaran University, etc. unite. The government this release anyway. Honey. The government should take, call, recruit, develop, and this makes us-we like her Indonesian maid. It's that sold to the world wins.
So I say, the prospects for bio-era. Now is not IT anymore. But the bio-era, where people want to go back to nature. Because the Indonesian forest never fertilized, never hit pesticides, and never hit the tractor, so the chance. Should be taken. Never it later China, Germany, or all in, we once again so the audience again.
Outside of our own audience, so the audience in us. This is funny. This is stupid. Only the income generators are taken care of. Revenue that the formula price x quantity. The quantity we are 3.8 million coconut. Now its price how much? If Indonesia is now just shift gears 4000 silver price, what does it mean? 1 coconut means only USD 500 in my hand, one could point to Rp 50 thousand. That revolution income. Now the system is in shambles, even the revolution inconsequential.
Indeed, are you moved to be sociopreneur since the beginning?
I am not the master himself. Granted that I set up. But that does not mean my majority. The majority of the people. If Indonesian joint venture systems, mutual assistance, no country is able to fight us. It's heaven on earth. So of the 25 commodities that could be USD 25 thousand trillion. It was unbelievable. So the point of the agro-industry, it can produce numbers that much, but the conditions upstream didandanin. Coconut oil do not change, let the people who have. Then there is the technological process, the support of technology, sophisticated human resources, finance, marketing. Well, here new mastered the market. (EVA)
excerpted from swa
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